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LO Funds - Euro BBB-BB Fundamental

LO Funds - Euro BBB-BB Fundamental is a long only corporate bond fund launched in December 2010. The Fund is
actively managed. The Bloomberg Barclays Euro-Aggregate Corporates 500MM is used for performance and internal
risk indicators comparison. The Fund invests mainly in EUR denominated investment grade corporate bonds applying a
best-in-class approach to Sustainable investing and maintains an Investment Grade (IG) average portfolio rating. It seeks
to achieve higher risk-adjusted returns than traditional investment grade indices. The investment approach is two-fold: a
disciplined analysis which differs from a traditional market-cap approach by allocating to sectors and companies based
on fundamental criteria including extra financial data (i.e. ESG, carbon intensity and controversies) ; and a forwardlooking credit analysis aiming to further mitigate the credit default risk and identify bottom-up opportunities taking into
account financial and extra-financial information. Risk management is performed by fund managers at a portfolio level,
alongside independent teams who oversee investment risks and operational risks.

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